Interested in Ditching Chemicals in Lieu of Natural Alternatives? Barn Owl Boxes Can Help!

Interested in Ditching Chemicals in Lieu of Natural Alternatives? Barn Owl Boxes Can Help!

Kati Delbert ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Voles, insects, and other rodents are some of the leading causes of crop damage. Not only do these creatures cost millions of dollars in crop damage, but they also carry a plethora of diseases that can affect livestock, pets, and even humans. To have a successful crop season, many farmers turn to rodenticides to fix and prevent rodent issues. While these can work and have shown to be successful in some cases, rodenticides can, unfortunately, hurt the surrounding ecosystem and can be costly.

How does water quality affect you?

How does water quality affect you?

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Is there such a thing as a perfect world? Probably not. Can we help bring the world closer to perfection? Yes, I believe we can. Water is a resource that each of us can learn about to help make the quality of our environment a step closer to perfection. I know it is hard for one person to make a difference, but when we join in our efforts, changes can happen.

Filter Strips Vs. Buffer Strips

Filter Strips Vs. Buffer Strips

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - I mentioned in my last blog that I would do some research on vegetation filter strips and write about them. It was interesting research, and it brought up more questions that needed answered. But first, vegetation filter strips are used to help limit water contamination and erosion. They’re narrow strips of grasses, legumes, and forbs, that slow the flow of stormwater runoff. Slowing the flow of water will allow time for water to be absorbed into the soil to filter naturally, thus reducing water contamination. Another benefit is that covered soil does not wash away, so vegetation filter strips also help reduce erosion.

BMPs Movement Of Manure

BMPs Movement Of Manure

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Wow, time really does fly. I can’t believe I’m celebrating three years with MSWCD. It has been a wonderful learning experience these past three years. I continue to learn something new every day, and I’m getting a clearer understanding of the importance of conserving our natural resources. This year I have decided to write about some of the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that make a conservation plan successful. Manure Management will be my first topic.

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - What could be good with hell beginning its name? I just found out about a fascinating creature called the hellbender, which is a member of the salamander family. It is also known by other names such as snot otter, lasagna lizard, devil dog, and these are just the names I found interesting.

Wildlife on your Doorstep

Wildlife on your Doorstep

Cadelee Bankes ZANESVILLE, Ohio - In Ohio, the spring season is one of the most anticipated times of the year - the warmth in the air, long-awaited prolonged daylight, and the reappearance of life once again. While warmer temperatures and longer days are enjoyable to humans, they are essential for wildlife and other forms of life.



Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Has the thought ever crossed your mind that there should be a program to encourage our young people to participate in environmental education? Well, there is a program specifically geared toward reaching high school age students worldwide. It is organized by the NFC-Envirothon and is a program of the National Conservation Foundation, located in Washington, DC.

Robotic Dairy Farm

Robotic Dairy Farm

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - I recently had the opportunity to visit a robotic dairy farm. This was an amazing experience.

What does sustainable mean to you?

What does sustainable mean to you?

Ashlee Kopchak ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Sustainable…what comes to mind when you hear this term? According to Meriam-Webster dictionary, sustainable means the method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.

Ever Wonder About Eggs?

Ever Wonder About Eggs?

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Have you ever been told that brown cows make chocolate milk? Well, let me tell you something about brown eggs and white eggs. The color of the chicken does determine the color of the egg, and the color of the eggshell does not determine the nutritional value of the egg.

Not All Cattle Are Cows

Not All Cattle Are Cows

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - I have had a little trouble writing this blog. I was not sure how to share this information without sounding totally clueless. However, when you have a revelation, no matter how small, it needs to be shared.

Forgetting Our Nutrition

Forgetting Our Nutrition

Ashlee Kopchak ZANESVILLE, Ohio - As I sit at my desk and watch as the snow falls on this April fool’s day, I cannot help but look towards warmer weather.

The Praying Mantis: Creepy or Fascinating

The Praying Mantis: Creepy or Fascinating

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Do not judge me, but if I were writing a description of the Praying Mantis, it would go like this – a creepy, alien looking bug that needs to say its prayers. However, now that I am a member of the Soil and Water family, this description will not fly.

Bagworm – A Creepy Little Insect

Bagworm – A Creepy Little Insect

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - This is just a bit of information that you may find helpful. This past fall someone brought this strange looking thing in a baggie to the office and wanted it identified. It looked to me like something that could be a part of a pine tree.

Goodbye 2020

Goodbye 2020

Ashlee Kopchak ZANESVILLE, Ohio - As we say goodbye, or good riddance to 2020, I cannot help but feel a little blessed for 2020.

Plastic – A Blessing and A Curse

Plastic – A Blessing and A Curse

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Ohio-Plastic is a very useful product. It is used to make computers, cell phones, and many more products that make life easier. However, single-use plastic is suffocating some of our natural resources.

Stormwater Runoff

Stormwater Runoff

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - As I sit at my desk this morning watching the rain come down, hit the pavement and run off into the storm drain, my first thoughts are not of the misery a rainy day can bring, but about how many pollutants are running off into our waterways.

Soil: It is Not Just Dirt

Soil: It is Not Just Dirt

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Gardening has always been something I wanted to be successful doing, and I have tried. In fact, several times with little to no success. I would either have an overgrowth of plants with little production or no growth at all.

Sustainable Palm Oil

Sustainable Palm Oil

Ashlee Kopchak ZANESVILLE, Ohio - What is Palm Oil?

Palm Oil is an edible vegetable oil that comes from the fruit of oil palm trees.

Backyard Habitat for Birds

Backyard Habitat for Birds

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - What is a backyard habitat? Most backyards already have what it takes to encourage some wildlife to visit, but little additions can bring specific wildlife to your backyard. Let’s say birds are what is needed to bring your backyard to life.

A Few Thoughts from the Newbie

A Few Thoughts from the Newbie

Doreen Maurer ZANESVILLE, Ohio - I am fairly new here at Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District (MSWCD) and have learned a lot about how important the work done on Underwood Street is for our community. I was hired as an administrative assistance, but in a short time, I have developed a great love for conservation and its importance.

Bee a Honey and Save Bees

Bee a Honey and Save Bees

Ashlee Kopchak ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Bees have been a topic for conservationists throughout the country but do people know why? Sure, we know they make honey, but many do not know their importance of pollinating.



Muskingum Soil & Water ZANESVILLE, Ohio - I live pretty far from most civilization. Fairly common around here, it’s where the gravel road meets the dirt road and then you drive a little further. The kind of place where you go to sleep with the sounds of bullfrogs and crickets and the sound of cars is disruptive.

Eat Locally Grown Foods

Eat Locally Grown Foods

Lisa Crock ZANESVILLE, Ohio - We all eat; it’s a fact of life. What we chose to eat is up to us, whether we decide to hit a fast-food drive through on our way home or whether we head home after work to a pot roast and vegetables in the slow cooker.

Change Just One Thing

Change Just One Thing

Lisa Crock ZANESVILLE, Ohio - With the start of a new year, many of us make vague resolutions about what we want to accomplish in the coming year.

Douglas Fir

Douglas Fir

Muskingum Soil & Water ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Good morning Muskingum County! Today we will be focusing on the Douglas Fir, the first of our trees that we have for sale as part of our 2019 tree sale.

Christmas Tree Compromises
  • Other

Christmas Tree Compromises

April Lovejoy ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Why do I buy a live Christmas tree? Well, I have to be honest and admit that I didn’t always buy a live tree.

Wrapping up the garden for the year

Wrapping up the garden for the year

Lisa Crock ZANESVILLE, Ohio - While the recent temperatures have remained summer-like, I have noticed that some trees are beginning to change color. It’s not too early to start thinking about preparing your garden and yard for winter.

Zanesville Tree Commission

Zanesville Tree Commission

Robert Boehle ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Driving through the City of Zanesville, one passes by thousands of street trees along with tens of thousands of trees in parks, cemeteries, business properties and private properties without much of a thought. The trees that are within the public right of ways, on city owned properties and within the historic districts are all protected by city code.

Moon Phases and Gardening

Moon Phases and Gardening

Lisa Crock ZANESVILLE, Ohio - Some of my earliest memories are of helping my Grandma in her garden. She lived beside us and because she was very crippled from arthritis, we grandkids were her labor force when it came to gardening.

Native Control of Exotic Invaders

Native Control of Exotic Invaders

Robert Boehle ZANESVILLE, Ohio - In the natural resource world it seems like at least once a month there is news coming out about a new invasive species that is affecting some different area, whether it is forests, pastures, crop field or just your back yard.

Can You Dig It?

Can You Dig It?

Muskingum Soil & Water ZANESVILLE, Ohio - The anticipation of spring is a thrill for many community gardeners who await the opportunity to grow their own food and build meaningful relationships in the garden.

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Soil and Water Conservation Districts protect valuable natural resources in a changing landscape. We provide a variety of a natural resource assistance and services to landowners, homeowners, educators, agricultural producers, developers and communities.

Environmental Conservation Organization

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